Thursday 26 November 2015

Big Meanings of Life

We have all grown up with the old adage of "Stop and smell the flowers".
But how many of us even remember the quote, to even live the adage.
Life as we know it is not just the blood that flows in our veins & the heart that beats.
Nor is it the mundane routine we follow & live it by the book of the various stages told to us.
Life happens to us in a tragic moment, a catastrophe, and a sudden jerk of shifting the ground from under our feet moment.

Pain is the biggest giver than a taker.
Happiness is arrogant & distracting.
Pain keeps one grounded & makes one more appreciative.
Happiness is fleeting & gives a false sense of well-being.

I have lost 2 most important people in my life with earth shattering grief.
I constantly live in the fear of losing the remaining important people in my life.
I have travelled far & wide in my grief, with some long & short but important pit stops.
I am more aware now, of people, places, circumstances, nature, animals, universe, souls, energies, most importantly, of my own self.

Like everyone, I have also grown up with the old adage of “time heals everything”.
Though I am far from healed, time has surely but slowly started to ebb the flow a bit.
The pain does rear its ugly head once in a while, taking me completely off guard & ruining me for the day.
But it has been kind enough to lay dormant for most of the times nowadays, to figure out my life peacefully.

Thanks to it, I have the liberty to look around & not mope but observe the comings & goings of my friends’ & families’ lives.

I have slowly started to notice a pattern in all our grief stricken lives, friends & relatives included.
Post a tragedy, all of us start peeling off the various layers of pretense we’ve been festering for so long.
All of us, knowingly or unknowingly, start delving deep into the matters of the heart & nothing is ever random again.
Everything starts making sense on a deeper level, hence, we start living intensely.
That’s when the true healing starts, when one is the most attuned with one’s feelings in totality.

I was never a religious person & nor do I preach religion.
But I always believed in a higher power & uncannily had this immense faith in my way of living & conducting my life to steer the course of my fate.
Today, after experiencing the finality of death up close & personal, not once but twice, I have awoken to my spiritual side.
I realized that the faith which has driven me all my life was in reality my spiritual side, guiding me silently but strongly from the sidelines.
I have now wholly stepped into my spiritual side & feel complete in my being ME.

Grieve in whole & not in parts.
Take time to heal & life will wait to embrace you in whole but not in pieces.

Healing is a wondrous experience.
It opens your eyes to the Big Meanings of Life.
The power of “Thank You”.
The liberating feeling of “let it go”.
The simple joys from the attitude of gratitude.
The magnitude of family.
Most importantly, self-love.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Such a simple sounding word, but which encompasses a whole world of feelings...

Often I catch myself grumbling in my head, about something or the other not happening my way...

The sub-conscious control freak in me is perpetually trying to snatch the remote from life & change the way it's trying/meant to unfold for me... But life being life, is one hell of a stubborn being... I, being rendered a mute spectator on the side, end up having too many conversations in my head, just like a moot court, arguing for both the sides...

In the middle of all those conversations, life being life, carries on as the way its meant to be... the only difference being that, I am always looking back at it as memories & forgetting to enjoy it when its happening to me right then, like right now... I am blogging right now... Wow... Thank you... :)

I stumbled upon the magnitude of this simple sounding word "thank you" just recently... I awoke to its tremendous power of positive feelings it can invoke in one's life... how one can break barriers & scale new heights of one's higher self in leaps & bounds... Thank You, "thank you"... :)

Attitude of Gratitude is not just a mouthful of words... its a way of living... stop in your tracks once in a while & look around & say aloud a big "thank you"... rising up from your being just like the word "Aum" & you will be filled with this immense joy of being alive, of being in the "now"... everything around will turn beautiful & you will feel attuned to your presence like never before... with no agenda, you will feel life coursing through your veins with renewed vigour... You will feel alive...

Now every time I start having another moot court in my head, I stop & say "thank you"... there's an immediate shift in my thinking & I start living in "now"... Life is beautiful & I am grateful for it...

Thank You, such a simple sounding word, but which encompasses a whole world of feelings...

Thank You Universe, thank you... :)